Why and How to Distribute a Press Release That Gets Noticed – Concora

Why and How to Distribute a Press Release That Gets Noticed

Your customers are busy. Knowing how to distribute a press release effectively uses their time wisely and keeps them focused on your brand.

A news article may give a company a boost, but when you understand how to distribute a press release effectively, you’ll get more engagement with your target audience. Building materials marketers who need to get the word out about ongoing projects, new initiatives and brand updates turn to press releases.

Press releases encourage a stronger connection between the company, consumers and B2B targets. They’re an effective tool for focusing attention on your company.

Why Use Press Releases in Your Marketing Strategy?

High-quality press releases help build brand recognition and will boost your reputation in the building materials industry. Branding involves more than creating a stylish logo and displaying a neat product gallery on your website. Customers want to know more about what you stand for before they make a purchase.

Certainly, press releases can provide the information a customer needs to make a purchasing decision, but they can do much more. Press releases are one way to provide information while expressing your company’s mission, values and future goals.

“If a release is engaging enough, it can generate social signals, drive shares, direct targeted and organic traffic, and create journalistic interest abroad,” explains Neil Patel, a marketer and author. “All of this is in addition to the sweet maraschino cherry on top – the possibility of major media coverage.”

What Should a Great Press Release Include?

Every good press release has a purpose. There are many reasons to write one. A press release can announce a change in executive management, a new product line, an industry award or an exciting new project with well-positioned partners.

Begin every press release with an attention-grabbing introduction. This first paragraph should include everything the reader needs to know. Next, include more precise details, including explanations, data points and interesting quotes. Convey why the news is important. Always include a blurb about the brand and contact information.

Avoid making your press release a boring collection of facts. Get creative. Show off your brand identity and offer a glimpse of your company culture.

Don’t ignore the basics of quality writing, however. Always double-check grammar, punctuation and spelling before distributing a press release. Make sure quotes are attributed to the right people. Include multiple types of contact information to make it easy for someone to get in touch.

How and Where to Distribute a Press Release

Press releases only work if they appear in places where your target audience will see them. These places should include a press release distribution service, your company’s social channels, industry news sites, building and construction websites and blogs, the social feeds of influencers or well-known personalities in your niche, and the inboxes of customers and individual journalists you’ve established relationships with. Over time, you’ll build a list of trusted sources eager to read and share your press release.

Every building materials company is focused on selling products and uses a variety of marketing strategies to succeed at it. A well-written press release will always grab attention, help your target audience learn more about your brand and ultimately lead to new contacts and sales. Once you learn how to distribute a press release that gets noticed, every announcement becomes an opportunity to build on your success.


Written By Candace Shackelford
