You Need BIM Content Management Software To Remain Relevant – Concora

You Need BIM Content Management Software To Remain Relevant

A building product is just one detail in a complex building process. Make it easy for architects and engineers to include your product by utilizing BIM content management software that translates your product into the format they need.

The building and construction industry is changing rapidly. Building Information Modeling or BIM is at the heart of that change. It’s the data that drives the process. BIM content management software is how building product manufacturers can stay engaged in this fast-moving conversation. It keeps detailed information about their building products accessible at all stages of the process.

What is BIM Content?

BIM content is a digital 3D representation of a product that also includes its size, height, weight, article number and other relevant details. Each BIM element has its place within the larger schematic of the whole project.

Autodesk describes it this way: “Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the holistic process of creating and managing information for a built asset.” It’s a shared resource that contains every detail about the project.

BIM is also a shared language. By translating their products into this language, building product manufacturers make it easier for decision-makers to specify their products.

Who Influences Product Selection During the Building Process?

The better question might be, who doesn’t? There are a lot of decision-makers in the building process, says Jim Austin, senior program manager and BIM specialist at Concora. That includes the building owner, architect, various engineers, specification writer, construction manager and general contractor.

“These are all the participants in a building design and construction project. Any and all of these people can have some influence over selection of building products from specific manufacturers,” Austin says.

With this many cooks in the kitchen, you need collaboration. And that’s where BIM content management software comes into play.

BIM Content Management Software Makes Product Selection Easy

Architects, engineers and contractors (AEC) are data-driven. BIM content describes products in their language. BIM content management software makes it easy for them to incorporate your product data into the master plan.

Accelerating Digital Transformation Through BIM, a report created by Dodge Data & Analytics with Autodesk, explains how BIM greases the wheels of a project. Architects and engineers can improve design quality while reducing risk and errors. Contractors who engage in the BIM process have more successful projects and fewer issues onsite.

For product manufacturers, high-quality BIM content increases the chances of being specified. A detailed, accurate digital representation of the product that is easy to find helps architects and engineers know how all the elements of a building will interact, especially when the design changes — and it will.

“Two of the great benefits to BIM is that you have real-time collaboration,” Austin says. “Everybody can see it in 3D, they can experience it, they can do a virtual walkthrough, they can see it. You can do high-end photorealistic renderings for the building owner. All the participants can actually see what the building is going to look like and make informed decisions about it during the full project lifecycle. And then, as that Building Information Model matures, then the general contractor can use it to verify constructability.”

Throughout the project, BIM and BIM software improve efficiency and reduce waste.

“It helps us meet timelines, and it’s an interactive, collaborative format, which is beneficial to all the participants in a building project lifecycle.”

(For a deeper dive into the importance of technical content and BIM in the building process and getting your products specified, jump to 14:05 in the video at the top of this section.)

Key Takeaways on BIM Content Management Software

BIM content isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for modern building projects. When building product manufacturers implement BIM content using a software platform like Concora Spec, they make it easier for architects, engineers and all the decision-makers in the building process to include their product in the project.


Written By Candace Shackelford
