Pricing – Concora



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Concora is a subscription-based cloud solution. The cost is determined based on the size of your business and the solutions you want to deploy.

Your annual subscription fee includes everything you need to run the and maintain the solution including (licensed software, support and continuous improvement). There are no hidden fees with unlimited pages, data, traffic and users.

Pricing generally starts at $1,000/month (billed annually), but we create custom estimates based on each customer’s specific needs. New customers will pay a nominal, one-time deployment fee and an ongoing annual subscription based on selected products.

Reviews from entrepreneurs, marketers and sales leaders

This platform has paid for itself 10 times over

We see potential customers visiting our website that we’ve never met before. I can send these leads to my sales team all over the country and I can say, ‘hey I don’t see this name in the list of architects we work with or distributors that we work with. This platform has paid for itself 10 times over.

Sonja Tillman

Marketing Director

Peerless receives an average of 25 qualified leads per week

Apart from getting leads, it’s given us insight into where we need to focus our content and where we need to keep pushing on the marketing side.

Breanna Troth

Peerless Products Marketing

Concora has ‘elevated how we do business

Concora has helped us make this process more seamless, which adds value to our customers, ultimately resulting in a more efficient sales process.

Todd Sternfeld

Superior Concrete Products

Trusted by

"Pricing was extremely reasonable for us as compared to all other similar services.”

Blake Huang, Plastpro